Monday 8 September 2014

Nairobi Elegance Affair

Hello everyone!

I haven't posted on the blog for one week only but it feels like ages to me! I hope that you are all well :)

The Nairobi Elegance Affair was an event that occurred on the 6th of September 2014 in support of Cherehani Africa which is a project by Bow Tie Events. The event had a brilliant cause; to provide sewing machines for less fortunate women so as to give them a foundation for achieving their dreams in their fashion careers.

The show was set in the Nairobi Railway Museum next to some old trains bringing an old and grungy aura. I found that a very creative theme. Many designs from upcoming designers were showcased and the show was closed by Mohamed Bana of BANA the brand. One thing that stood out to me was how everyone's outfits displayed their characters. The best dressed guest was to win a return ticket to Kisumu spending their night at Kisumu Retreat Homes and Villas. Unfortunately, I did not get to know who this person was but shall put up their photo as soon as I find out.

Some of the designs were exceptional. However, I realized that some principles of design such as unity, dominance, balance, and proportion were disregarded by some of the designers that showcased. Unity of a collection is one of the main principles of fashion design and should be taken very seriously. Each element of a design should enhance the others in the collection in terms of colour, shape, choice of fabric and the print on the fabric. The proportion of the design as a whole, its  balance, tailoring and fitting are also extremely crucial in a successful design. I felt that the designers  who did not take these fundamentals seriously should do so if they want to propel their careers in fashion.

All in all it was a beautiful experience. I sipped some inspiration from the designs showcased, met new friends and reconnected with my old friends.

Here are some of the photos of the event:



Photo by Quentin

The focus in the African fashion industry has increased over the years and the rate of Kenya's growth is impeccable. I am immensely pleased to see and take part in the growth of the Kenyan fashion industry through such shows. Cheers to all who made the event a success!

For more photographs, check out RadekArtPhoto. You can find more information of the event here and more about the Cherehani Africa initiative here.

Have a chic week!


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