Monday 14 July 2014

So, what's up with the Kenyan fashion industry?


The problem with the Kenyan fashion industry is exactly that statement, "The problem with the Kenyan fashion industry. . ." We are busy talking about this problem or these problems and doing nothing about them. Unfortunately, some of those doing something about them are segregating themselves and because of this, the Kenyan fashion industry is hardly on its feet.

I recently came across this article that was extremely thought provoking. In the article, one of my great inspirations, John Kaveke, speaks about his sabbatical, "The fashion industry and what needs to change in Kenya". He talks on great matters that cause the Kenyan fashion industry to be unstable, pointing out the fact that the international focus is now on Africa and that people are looking here for inspiration. He also says that the conflict is that if the fashion industry needs to blossom, it requires all the team players.

"The industry needs to settle down and look at the bigger picture and stop having a hundred and one events when we evidently lack the capacity. We are not that many designers"

I absolutely agree with all that he says. I noticed that we do not exactly follow the international fashion calender. Instead, designers haphazardly produce apparel mostly for events such as FAFA amongst others instead of also producing for great seasons that help to monitor change in fashion trends and growth of various brands. This compromises on the quality of our designs.

I recently published a post on the resort season as a realization that very many people, some of who are designers are oblivious to what is going on in the international design industry. My question is, how can we make Kenya an international player in the fashion industry if we have little or no knowledge at all on what other international players are doing? Furthermore, how will we ever do it if we do not collaborate to make this industry flourish?

There is no need for individualism in the fashion industry because this will stunt its growth. (Anita of Style Sketches also speaks on this matter in relation to blogging). We, as fashion designers, artists, photographers, make up artists, bloggers amongst all those in the fashion industry need to collaborate to bring growth rather than rant about its problems. We need specific guidelines when it comes to showcasing our work and specific seasons to follow. Lastly, we need to be keen to learn on what is involved in our specific practice so that we can improve and be consistent in producing designs of great quality.

I am learning to not only develop myself as a brand, but also cooperate with other brands, small or great, so as to make our country's fashion industry prosperous. I am undoubtedly confident that we will flourish if we all take the past as a lesson and improve the present so as to grow the Kenyan fashion industry.

I hope you all have a lovely week.


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