Monday, 25 August 2014

Shapes, types and sizes


Some of us have heard a few things about body shapes but probably don't know enough about their own. I am fairly keen on how people dress for weddings, in town, church, school or in different gigs. I mostly see people wearing clothes that are "fashionable" or "trendy" which is okay only if it looks good on your body. However, if you're not keen to what works on your body shape, size and type; what makes you look good and what doesn't; you will unfortunately be in that crowd of people parading faux pas around. That's not cool at all! So lets try and figure out what works best for us.

A very good place to start this post from is from an interesting fact I came to learn about recently. Have you guys heard about vanity sizing? If you are one of those people obsessed about dress sizes and if you get excited by little things like how you used to be size 14 and now you're a size 12; well, honey, you are being lied to! You have been brainwashed by the ideology that dress sizes are the ones that determine how "perfect" your body is or how flawed it is. Most stores assign sizes that are smaller than is really the case so that they can encourage sales! Some of us are afraid of or cannot handle the truth about our body sizes, so stores feed us lies to get us to buy their clothes. If I started to tell you how annoying that is, this post would probably be as long as the following book:


Haha!! Okay, that's besides the point. I'm trying to tell you to get that number-crap out of your head and learn more about the important things. Those numbers are lies, don't be fooled! Now to the things that matter:

Body Types

There are three basic body types. The ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs. Ectomorphs can be described as skinny; endomorphs as thick and mesomorphs are the in-between of these two. These terms mainly come in handy when it comes to weight regulation and training but I feel that it is important to know them anyway.


Body Shapes

Here is where different descriptive terms come along such as the column, inverted triangle, petite, brick, apple, pear and everyone's favourite, the hourglass shape. These terms may vary but still mean the same thing. For example, I recently learned that the inverted triangle shape can also be known as the ice cream cone shape. Anyway, here is a chart showing how they look like:


Take some time to analyse your body and know where you fall in the above charts and I shall explain to you how to play up your best features in the next post :)

Have a happy and productive week friends. Lots of love!


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