Monday 21 July 2014

Fashion Lounge III

With Winnie from Fit n Discover

I apologize for the late post. I'm having one of those days my PC decides that "Pole pole ndio mwendo"

The experience was simply amazing. The designers had beautiful designs. The most outstanding thing is that they let the designers have their voice. I had never been to a show where a designer could actually describe what's being shown so this was quite new. I learnt a lot, met a few new friends and had the most pleasurable cocktails and conversations. Cheers to Adelia Fashion Group and all the companies sponsoring their amazing cause :)

More about Adelia Fashion group and Fashion Lounge III here.

Here are some of the red carpet looks that tickled my fancy...

My date :)


Feeling quite badass over here. Lol!
A little food art :)
Thank you for the invite Jane. & in case you are all wondering, I bought my dress from Jamiat mall and my shoes from my favourite store of all time, Zyzy :)

Happy Monday loves!!



  1. I loved that pose with Moshcode.

    Thank you again for the feature,
