Friday, 11 July 2014

The Musings of a Kenyan Dreamer

"...this life will hit you, hard, in the face, wait for you to get back up just so it can kick you in the stomach. By getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air..."

Life may sometimes crush me and send me to extremities of misery and loneliness but when I think of what I want to achieve, my dreams, ambitions and plans, I slowly come out of that deep dark well and after a while, sometimes a very long while, I flourish.
I remind myself of my dreams and my belief that any sort of progress, even the least kind, is still progress. So when my body is weak and numbed with pain, I start to wiggle my fingers. I do it so often that my arm gains strength. Soon my toes, my legs and eventually my torso and from that spot I fell, I can stand. I take slow steps one at a time, sometimes stumbling but I keep trying until I can walk. I remind myself that "when you are on rock bottom, there is no other way to go but UP". I remember that there is hope, that I am a survivor and that right after every harsh winter, little buds still sprout and in no time they are beautiful blooming flowers. All I have to do is give it some time and keep myself hopeful; keep my dreams alive and let them sip so far into my blood that they radiate through my body.

I still haven't figured everything out yet and I don't know if I am about to but it certainly doesn't seem like it. I have a plan written down in a small book that I walk around with but this life and its circumstances often make me alter it. I take these changes positively and keep my dreams alive, remembering that it all starts with an "I want" developing into "I can", "I will" and sooner or later I find myself doing the things I've always wanted to do.

I am hoping that I, along with the cooperation of other great people, can put Kenya on the forefront of international fashion amongst other major areas. I hope that some of my photography and artwork can be displayed in the fanciest hotels filled with the beau monde or the largest museums filled with the richest history. I hope to travel this world so much that my wanderlust is quenched and my mind is saturated with knowledge from all sorts of people, their experiences and cultures. I pray for inner peace, strength and happiness, and a heart so kind that I change the vilest of souls and bring happiness to those whose clouds are grey. I hope to listen more than I speak, and to give more than I receive. I hope each day to be diligent, confident, humble and just...

My greatest dream of them all is that my journey, dreams and inspirations may inspire and fill people's hearts with hope so that they can face all of life's adversities with fearlessness, knowing that greatness starts in their minds. 

Greatness starts in your mind: your dreams, ambition and plans! It starts from a positive mindset and that little first step that marks the beginning of a lifetime of success...


String art by me :)
"During your life, never stop dreaming. No one can take away your dreams."
-Tupac Shakur

This string art hung up in my room is one of the constant reminders of my great dreams, what is yours?


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