Friday, 27 June 2014

The Little Black Dress Chronicles (Part I)

Ladies, I won't bore you all with chatter on how the little black dress is a quintessential in your wardrobe. No. I think we've all heard enough about that by now. Instead, for the next three posts (including this one) I shall show you a small style lookbook on three different ways to wear it.
What better thing to do than figure out how to look chic in different ways using one piece instead of spending a lot of hard earned cash trying to achieve the same looks? Maybe its just me, but I like to challenge my creativity and make new looks with the clothes I already have.

In this first look, I wore my little black dress and added a pop of colour. I really love pairing black and red. I feel that they are amongst the best colours to combine when one wants to make a statement. I am also absolutely in love with that bowed red clutch (worn here) and I obviously find every reason to carry it. Due to the cold, I layered two scarves, wore some sheer dark stockings and a black coat on top. In the last look I spruced up the outfit by wearing a pair of gold capped black heels. This outfit would be perfect for a party during the day. Add a pair of heels and you're ready for a dinner party!

All photos are by my bestie Kendi. She's just awesome and learning photography quite well. :)


So reach out for that pop of colour and with confidence, lipstick and a smile, you're ready to take on the world! :)
As usual, lots of love...


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