Wednesday 13 August 2014

Something About Authenticity

"Be patient darling" mixed media painting by Mimmie

Just like the Daruma (a Japanese talisman of good luck) is made complete only once a specific goal is achieved, we are incomplete until the desires of our hearts are fulfilled. All of us have a different story that sets us apart from each other but in a seemingly absurd way we are the same; in a quest to find who we really are and what sets our souls on fire. Our authentic selves. Its one huge paradox but I personally find immense beauty in it. 

The above piece is about what sets our souls on fire. It is based on a common desire that we share, love. It is on the ups and downs love takes us and the beauty in all the experiences faced when seeking what brings us to life. It is about the desire to love or be loved; to find what makes us alive and the satisfaction once this is achieved. Its name, "Be patient Darling" is inspired by how much we have to persevere while waiting for this thing, person or feeling that brings meaning to our lives. I exhibited this three-piece painting at the Kenya Creative Week alongside other talented designers and artists. Looking at most of the work exhibited left this quote in mind:

"Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don't bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it.

In any case always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said 
"Its not where you take things from, its where you take them to" "
-Jim Jarmusch

In other words, draw inspiration everywhere and let it fuel your imagination to create new, beautiful, authentic things. (It could be in terms of music, dance, design, art or even your day to day lives) 

My artwork is a true reflection of who I am, what I feel and what inspires me; brought to life. It is one of the ways that makes me truly live and sets me apart from everyone living like a robot. (I say this because I realize how many people are engineered to live and think in a specific way by the society such that they forget to build their true and authentic selves) This realization, in so many ways has made me feel liberated because I have built my authenticity of expression. I realize that what makes me different is what makes me beautiful. Once we all accept these differences in ourselves we shall embrace our authentic selves consequently living happy lives and reflecting this happiness to others making this world a tad more pleasant to live in. 

I know that after this quote most artists think that I might steal from their work but they shouldn't be dismayed. The only form of stealing I'd do is in terms of inspiration from the pieces at the exhibition that "speak directly to (my) soul"

That said, here are the pieces from the Kenya Creative Week that inspired me: 

(Notice what different techniques used and the different feelings that they evoke in you)

The pieces, curated by Ibuka, were nothing less than spectacular! What inspired me most was the authenticity of these pieces such that the artists expressed their varied emotions in different ways; subsequently evoking different emotions in the viewers. Each piece has its own story that makes it stand out from the rest and that's what brings life to them and makes them beautiful! (In the same way, we should be our most authentic selves because our differences are what makes us beautiful and bring us to life!)

All in all, Kenya Creative Week was a success and I was absolutely honoured to be amongst other great artists exhibiting.

Find what sets your soul on fire. Dare to be different!

Beautiful week!


1 comment:

  1. wow this is beautiful! i love art and this work gotta be loved...keep up
