Monday 27 October 2014

The Best of Fashion Month 2014 Part II

Hello Loves!
I hope you have all been well :) Today I post the long overdue continuation on the 2014-15 trend report which was started here. Enjoy!

Monday 13 October 2014

The Best of Fashion Month 2014

Hello loves!

We all know the famous fashion month ended not too long ago. To say the truth, it would be a shame if I didn't post a detailed trend report here after all the shows and articles I've had to watch and read. This post is a compilation of autumn/winter and spring/summer 2014-15 shows. So, for all the fashion designers, stylists, bloggers, vloggers and any fashionistas out there here goes :)

Monday 8 September 2014

Nairobi Elegance Affair

Hello everyone!

I haven't posted on the blog for one week only but it feels like ages to me! I hope that you are all well :)

The Nairobi Elegance Affair was an event that occurred on the 6th of September 2014 in support of Cherehani Africa which is a project by Bow Tie Events. The event had a brilliant cause; to provide sewing machines for less fortunate women so as to give them a foundation for achieving their dreams in their fashion careers.

Monday 1 September 2014

Wednesday 27 August 2014

When life throws you curves...


"When life throws you curves, use them to your advantage"

By now you should have read the previous post and determined your exact body shape. This post is a full description on what best suits your body shape giving you balanced curves and maximizing on your best assets. Why all this is important? Well, body shapes are all about proportion and fashion is all about making these proportions look their sexiest. 

Monday 25 August 2014

Shapes, types and sizes


Some of us have heard a few things about body shapes but probably don't know enough about their own. I am fairly keen on how people dress for weddings, in town, church, school or in different gigs. I mostly see people wearing clothes that are "fashionable" or "trendy" which is okay only if it looks good on your body. However, if you're not keen to what works on your body shape, size and type; what makes you look good and what doesn't; you will unfortunately be in that crowd of people parading faux pas around. That's not cool at all! So lets try and figure out what works best for us.

Friday 22 August 2014

The Grecian Bun

What do you do when you need a beautiful style and you don't quite feel like undoing yours yet? You find a smart way to add some chic to your old hairdo!

Monday 18 August 2014

Aztec Nation

I think everyone should constantly take some time off to unwind. That, of course, is if you don't want to be that stressed out person walking around like you constantly have a dark cloud on your head and your life is shattering with every step you take. I mean, go to the park and have a little picnic, breathe some fresh air and forget the 'real world' (according to your perception of it) for a bit. Spend some time with people who make you happy, do something that you haven't done for a while or do something new; live a little!

Friday 15 August 2014

Is there any light at that frosted candy coated tunnel?


I am a recovering addict currently in sugar-rehab. I know, that sort of sounds hilarious but I'm not kidding! I have been constantly high on yummy treats for quite a while now. That yummy bar of chocolate, ice cream, fizzy Haribos e.t.c. Heck, I am craving those exact things right now! Haha!

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Something About Authenticity

"Be patient darling" mixed media painting by Mimmie

Just like the Daruma (a Japanese talisman of good luck) is made complete only once a specific goal is achieved, we are incomplete until the desires of our hearts are fulfilled. All of us have a different story that sets us apart from each other but in a seemingly absurd way we are the same; in a quest to find who we really are and what sets our souls on fire. Our authentic selves. Its one huge paradox but I personally find immense beauty in it. 

Monday 11 August 2014

Take a Chill Pill :)

Last Friday was one of those days I had like 10 billion errands to run. Okay, obviously not 10 billion but it sure felt like it! I was so tired and the only thing I needed to do to end the day was to take a good old chill pill and watch the sun set. Its these little things that we often take for granted that make life absolutely wonderful...

Friday 8 August 2014

A Debonair State of Mind.


Not too long ago a very close friend of mine asked me what I thought were the essentials he needed in his wardrobe. I knew what answers to give him immediately but I realized that I had so much more to learn about menswear. One thing I know for sure is that a great man is made of more than just his apparel. I find it such a pleasure to see a well dressed poised man and a greater pleasure to find that he has a great mind and exemplary character! Menswear shopping itself can be quite the challenge let alone being this "great" man. Nonetheless, it's always good to have a list that we can refer to in order to achieve a debonair look and state of mind.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

The Cornrow Updo Review

Picture by Lola
Most of the things you do, consume or come into contact with have effects on your hair. Your diet, the hairstyles you wear, how you treat your hair, even the weather affects the health and growth of your hair. I am sure that we all want thick and healthy manes and for that reason, we have to practice the right lifestyle to ensure this. Healthy hair certainly requires time and effort my friends! I have been a little bit puzzled with my mane's needs lately. I'm fighting dryness and have noticed that my usual hair care routine isn't working out as it always has. Its definitely time to change it up!

Monday 4 August 2014

Rogue Rouge

Rogue because the shoes are nothing less than badass and rouge because I love the colour red and all its shades. I mean, I am probably a red-junkie at the moment but you know, once a girl loves, well, she loves!

Friday 1 August 2014

My Five Watermelon Ways

Hello August!!!

August only means that the hot season or the Kenyan bikini season is about to begin. Most of us are just about to start gracing different parts of Kenya or have a little international travel. This is the time all sorts of things pop up such as road trips, little parties, get togethers and lots more so we try balance them with our busy work/ school schedules. During this time the sun can be a little too scorching and unpleasant for our skin. Believe it or not, watermelon is one of the best fruits to use on your face during such days!

Monday 28 July 2014

My Hair Story

Straightened natural hair

First off, let me start off by telling you that my hair is extremely kinky. I have a 4c curl pattern so I pretty much grew up hating my hair and thinking I'd never have it any other way but relaxed or in braids and weaves. What a sad life to live...

Friday 25 July 2014

White Tee Chic (II)

In all honestly, this post comes a little bit late. I had planned to put up a series for my white tee but after my LBD chronicles I decided to give the series thing a rest and  put up other posts. This is mainly because I like to mix it up on the blog as I don't want it to be all about me. It definitely isn't about vanity but informing people on art, design, photography and different things that I think would inspire you all. Anyway, lets get back to making this white tee look absolutely chic.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

The earth is yours to seize only if...

Dress: Silvie Chitwa  Photography: Njogu

If you can keep your head when all about you 
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, 
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, 
But make allowance for their doubting too; 
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, 
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, 
Or being hated, don't give way to hating, 
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

Monday 21 July 2014

Fashion Lounge III

With Winnie from Fit n Discover

I apologize for the late post. I'm having one of those days my PC decides that "Pole pole ndio mwendo"

The experience was simply amazing. The designers had beautiful designs. The most outstanding thing is that they let the designers have their voice. I had never been to a show where a designer could actually describe what's being shown so this was quite new. I learnt a lot, met a few new friends and had the most pleasurable cocktails and conversations. Cheers to Adelia Fashion Group and all the companies sponsoring their amazing cause :)

Friday 18 July 2014

The Dragon and the Phoenix

"It is that that cannot be touched but felt quite deeply that consumes their beings. Its that pounding heart throb, that vulnerability, the laughter, tears fallen, feelings spoken and unspoken of. It is life lived mostly fearlessly. It is that love and courage to concur the seen and unseen, known and unknown. The fire that burns deep within the dragon, and the same fire that burns the phoenix for a rebirth into a stronger being. The fire that illuminates their pearl. These are two great forces combined into one. 
The dragon and the phoenix."

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Something Military, Something Burgundy...

Let me start by saying that I absolutely love the military trend! My mom bought me this jacket months before the Cruise Season shows were out and once I got it, it was love at first (try). She must've had some sort of supernatural powers when she was buying it because she got the fit right, the colour, minimalistic design and on top of that, military designs later became a major trend on Resort 2015! All hail maternal instincts :D

Monday 14 July 2014

So, what's up with the Kenyan fashion industry?


The problem with the Kenyan fashion industry is exactly that statement, "The problem with the Kenyan fashion industry. . ." We are busy talking about this problem or these problems and doing nothing about them. Unfortunately, some of those doing something about them are segregating themselves and because of this, the Kenyan fashion industry is hardly on its feet.

Friday 11 July 2014

The Musings of a Kenyan Dreamer

"...this life will hit you, hard, in the face, wait for you to get back up just so it can kick you in the stomach. By getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air..."

Life may sometimes crush me and send me to extremities of misery and loneliness but when I think of what I want to achieve, my dreams, ambitions and plans, I slowly come out of that deep dark well and after a while, sometimes a very long while, I flourish.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Introducing Christie Brown

It gives me a certain tingly feeling to see an African Fashion brand stand out for doing their work to exquisiteness. I could call it happiness but it's more than that. It is gratitude for making Africa stand out and respect for that bravery as well. Christie Brown is one of those brands that literally made my jaw drop!

"It's really about allowing women to experience the culturally rich and opulent side of Africa without having to compromise their personal contemporary style"

Monday 7 July 2014

White Tee Chic

I often shied away from t-shirts because I thought that they were suited for the basic plain Jane who I refused to be. Boy, was I wrong!

 "I believe that fashion is not what you wear but how you wear it. Its more than putting together outfits and creating different looks, but a form of expression of one's identity, creating a new outer layer of skin. I live it, I breathe it, I express it"
- Adetayo Fajemisin

Friday 4 July 2014

Just Breathe...

Diani beach, South Coast

Hey! Look at that, isn't she beautiful?

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Resort 2015

Over the years I have come to realize that many people consider the Resort Season suitable for the haut monde sipping on Heidsieck Monopole champagne in their luxury yachts. Realistically speaking, these trends are the ones that take over our stores and govern how our daily apparel evolves. This, in my opinion, is a reason valid enough to keep a keen eye on the Resort season no matter who you are.

Monday 30 June 2014

The Little Black Dress Chronicles (Part III)

You've got a night out with your girls or your man and you don't know what to wear. You've been too busy running your business or working your ass off in school. You may be dealing with taxes, bills and all that hustle. You're a high achiever, a go getter who basically had no time to shop for something sexy. What should you do though? You work hard but you still need to look fierce right?

Saturday 28 June 2014

The Little Black Dress Chronicles (Part II)

When I was a kid one thing that absolutely baffled me was why women's skirts moved side to side when they walked. I thought it was a trend or something. One day I was shopping at Sarit with my mum and started swaying my skirt while walking, feeling very proud of myself. I felt a sudden sharp pain on my arm as my mum immediately started scolding me. The pain I had after she pinched me was literally dreadful. Friends, I never dared sway my skirt again. Haha! 

Friday 27 June 2014

The Little Black Dress Chronicles (Part I)

Ladies, I won't bore you all with chatter on how the little black dress is a quintessential in your wardrobe. No. I think we've all heard enough about that by now. Instead, for the next three posts (including this one) I shall show you a small style lookbook on three different ways to wear it.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

The Men of Pitti


Pitti Immagine Uomo is a collection of men's fashion events that is held twice a year in Florence, Italy. It was recently held on the 17th to 20th of June. Being the world's most important platform for menswear and accessories, you can only imagine how impeccably dressed the crowd there was.

Monday 23 June 2014

Nature's Botox!

Picture this, you've planned a meeting with her. You took a bit of a long time but still made it. Better half loaf than none right? "Here we go" You go through the driveway and park. It looks a bit lonely but she must be in there...

Friday 20 June 2014

Layer up!

Hello darlings!

First of all I'd like to apologize for my inconsistency in posting here. I have been working on a few projects with my friends and I am also trying to learn a new skill this holiday. I am really excited to share with you but well, what's life without a few surprises? If everything goes as planned, I shall let you all in on it! I'm just praying for the best :)

Sunday 15 June 2014

Hot and cold

Have y'all seen how undecided this weather has been lately? Katy Perry must've been in Nairobi around this time of the year when she was getting inspiration for her song, Hot n Cold. Lol! Every morning I take half my prep time trying to be a weather girl; predicting the weather so that I can pick out an outfit. Girl problems you know...

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Lets talk about bras baby!

Bra tip: Stacking your bras in your lingerie drawer helps to maintain their shape.
If I could describe what the in between of heaven and hell was; it would be bras. That beautiful curve, cleavage and proper bra support and that moment at the end of the day when you remove your bra and it feels like you just broke your tatas out of a supermax high-security prison, that's heaven!

Friday 6 June 2014

Hello World!

"Where flowers bloom, so does hope" - Lady Bird Johnson

Fear has a way of constantly sneaking into your mind especially when making great life choices. All those what ifs, and worst case scenarios and what not clog your thoughts so much that your life seems to be on a standstill. I've recently been on one of those crossroads, deciding what direction to go in terms of my career. Fashion or graphic design? Hmm...

"I love myself and I can do anything I set my mind to" These are the words I keep reciting in my mind to constantly remind myself that I can do whatever I want to, no matter what adversities there are. Eventually, I shall figure it out. It'll be one hell of a roller coaster ride but its okay, you know, c'est la vie.

I'll let you in on a little secret, my heart is a volcano, once I feel something, it erupts and there's no way of stopping it. So I felt that as a step forward to achieving my dreams I should start a blog, and here we are! Most of you might be so over the idea especially with all sorts of blogs popping up quicker than your morning round of toast; but I thought to myself, why not?

I am yet to find my niche but this is the story of my journey. This is the display of some of my work, my style, my musings, my inspirations and the little things that make me happy. So if you wish, hop on to this ride and lets make the most out of it :)
